

by Dr. Abu Mazhar Khalid Siddique - November 12, 2022


Consecutive interpretation is a simple solution that helps businesses work more efficiently. It lets people who don't speak the same language talk to each other in a professional setting.

Consecutive interpretation does not need equipment like microphones, soundproof booths, audio consoles, or headphones. A consecutive interpreter just uses a pen and a notepad to take notes, and then uses symbols to convey the words. A consecutive interpreter only speaks when the speaker is done with his/her speech or when a break occurs in between the speech.

In consecutive interpretation, an interpreter needs to listen carefully, take notes, and keep eye contact with the speaker instead of just focusing on the notes.

1. Maintain the Tone and Correct Words of the Message

In consecutive interpretation, the message is delivered more smoothly and emotionally. A consecutive interpreter has more time to prepare for the language nuances and choose the words carefully. This type of solution doesn't need electronic, audio, technical equipment, or soundproof booths. A good translation is helpful because the interpreter has more time to prepare, which will help them decide the tone of the message and the right words in the target language.

2. The Audience Will Listen

It's hard to focus on one person, so imagine how hard it would be to listen to two people at once. This sometimes occurs with simultaneous interpretation, as people must follow two different types of body language, voices, and gestures. Allowing the audience more time to focus their attention on the speech itself instead of just the translation helps to improve the listening experience. To understand what an interpreter does, you need to know what it is.

Moreover, many listeners will probably understand the concepts better because they will compare the speeches in both languages. People who understand words from different languages might want to guest what is said next.

3. High-quality Translation

Consecutive interpretation is one of the types of interpretation where the words of the speaker are translated by an interpreter in the language of the participants. The quality of translation is often better in this type of interpretation because interpreters have plenty of time to prepare, which allows them to choose the correct words for the sentence.

In consecutive interpreting, the interpreter does not have to remember everything the speaker is saying because he would have enough time to write down the notes. This type of interpretation is not always appropriate for every type of conference, but it is a good choice for business meetings or conferences with many people.

4. Reliability of the Translation

Even the best interpreter can’t guarantee quality if they are forced to do a simultaneous interpretation solution quickly. The interpreter has no time to think about the speech or find the right words when interpreting it from a different language. Consecutive interpretation gives the interpreter time to think about the speech, make notes, and then put together sentences that say the right thing while keeping the original meaning.

Moreover, the time allows the interpreter to pay good attention to small details, such as expressed emotions and body language. Professional consecutive interpretation makes it possible to gain knowledge about the subject efficiently and improve the interpretation.

We, the JILT Pvt. Ltd. have a team of highly qualified translators who will quickly and accurately translate and get attested, if required, for all languages, like English, Urdu, Arabic, Spanish, German, Persian, French, Japanese, Italian, Korean, Russian and all Indians, local and state Languages. Our professional proofreaders will make sure that the translation is perfect and that the document is appropriately formatted. We also extend our services to customers by sending them finalized documents by courier services to their addresses.




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